Project Meeting (30/1/2018)
Topics to Discuss
What is the objective?
- is it to find NN models better than ARIMA?
- How to compare NN and ARIMA models - based on prediction accuracy or forecast accuracy(how long forecast)?
Experimentation workflow
- What data needs to be saved for model evaluation?
NN input output size and how to recursively forecast
- Does it make sense to have an NN that has smaller input than output and how to compute the recursive forecast?
Train validation and test sets
- Wilcoxon U test shows distributions of validation and test sets are different for some of the variables?
- Is data seasonally adjusted?
- Is it a good idea to remove NA rows so variables would have same length?
- Fourier transform for seasonality detection/adjustment?
Quarterly Time-Series Forecasting With Neural Networks Finds that simple NN models with 0 or 1 hidden nodes perform best on time series and in particular macroeconomic time series. They use a large data set of small series, of 50 observations each, and find that removing trend and seasonality improves results. The experiments in the paper follow the following procedure:
For each data series For each data transformation Scale data to (-1,1) For each model (form of input/output) For NN architectures with hidden nodes Train five NNs from random starting parameter weights. Keep the best of the five based on SSE Scale the out-of-sample data using parameters perform forecast on out-of-sample data Unscale the forecasts Untransform the forecasts using the appropriate
Proposed plan
- Write lit review section for feedforward NN
- Finally establish experimentation workflow
- Perform experiments and write them up
- Write lit review for recurrent NN
- Perform experiments with recurrent NN
Tasks Competed
[x] Written evaluation metric subsection in report.
[x] Implemented infrastructure for creation and evaluation of forecasting neural network models.
[x] Implemented infrastructure for hyperparameter grid search.
class ForecastModel(Model): def forecast(self, x, y, batch_size=None, verbose=0, steps=None): def evaluate_forecast(self, x, y, batch_size=None, verbose=0, steps=None): class ModelWrapper(KerasRegressor): def forecast(self, x, y, **kwargs): def score_forecast(self, x, y, **kwargs): class GridSearch: def __init__(self, build_fn, param_grid, num_runs=20): def grid_search(self, x_train, y_train, x_val, y_val, **fit_params): def save_best(self, params, fit_params):
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