Project Meeting (27/10/2017)
Topics Discussed Data Variables Meaning of variables in the data set CPI: Consumer price index. GDP: Gross domestic product UR: unemploymeent rate. IR Policy Rate - Interest rate (Possibly inflation subtracted from nominal interest rate) LR10: Possibly 10 year loan rate. LR10 - IR: IR subtracted from LR10. Exrate Euro for 1 USD - exchange rate b/w euro and dollar. Wheather or not data has been preprocessed in any way - about to find out. Data analysis and preprocessing Should check if data is stationary or not. Identify any trend and seasonality. Test significance of each variable using a benchmark architecture (simple MLP). Explore different preprocessing techniques and if they improve performance on benchmark architecture. Longer term question - do we need more data? Report Possible structure of Problem Analysis? Data - what kind and where froerform m? Stationarity, Seasonality, Trend Neural network architecture Tasks Completed Rea...